Tuesday, August 23, 2011


 Perception is existence, for it is how we perceive things that gives them meaning. Life itself bares no particular significance without the presence of perception. Vision is how the brain processes images to be sent to the brain. Intelligence is the brain's ability to rationalize such images and provide us with an unbiased portrait of what lay before us. Perception, on the other hand, is how the soul views, absorbs, and understands that which we see. It is how one perceives that determines whether the glass is half empty or half full; it is how one perceives that differentiates a living hell from heaven on earth. Perception is the thick shroud of uncertainty which develops around the ever blinded depths of logic. For some, due to their tendencies to perceive things in a positive way (optimists), Perception is a gift. For those who perceive their surroundings in a more negative way (pessimists), perception is a curse. Though the perceptual spectrum is far more diverse than simply optimism and pessimism, i digress. I for one, would classify myself as a realist. A realist is one who sees things how they truly are; one who lacks the misleading haze known as perception. Just as optimists may be thought to be blessed, and pessimists cursed, I find that realists are subsequently left ignored. Personally, I prefer being left ignored, for my point of view is never clouded with distortion; this world is distorted enough already. To me, to be ignored is to be blessed... in far more ways than one.